Vicinity for Business Improvement Areas

Manage your data, capture your value and promote your place.

Who are Vicinity?

Vicinity is the leading SaaS technology provider to place managers, providing purpose-built solutions for over 110 Business Improvement Areas across the UK. Get in touch to find out how our technology and expertise can help Canadian BIAs.

Your Place Management Platform

One place to manage your community, promote your place and engage your stakeholders.

Vicinity software displayed on devices with different sized screens

Your own mobile app

Mobile apps for exclusive deals, loyalty schemes, wayfinding and much more. Deployed to the app store, and managed through the Vicinity Place Management Platform.

An image of a phone surrounded by pictures of different functionality including deals, events, loyalty and push notifications.
Vicinity CRM on a MacBook

An organisation-wide solution

Vicinity has been made in partnership with place management teams of all shapes and sizes, providing a range of features that support activity across departments.

  • Capture the value your team creates, report to stakeholders, and demonstrate return on investment. Promote operational excellence and proactive customer engagement.

  • An easy-to-use database solution for your whole organisation. Stay in sync with third party data sources, and export data for use externally. Provide answers to any questions with ease.

  • Manage and monitor your team's activity, and report on-demand. Assign tasks and track progress in realtime. Arm your mobile workforce with the tools you need.

  • Keep your customers informed and engaged. Easily segment your audience and send targeted messages. Sync with MailChimp or export to Excel.

  • Track and maintain customer relationships. Review previous interactions and get key information at a glance. Record new interactions from anywhere, with updates instantly visible to your colleagues.

A laptop showing the Vicinity data updater in action
A beautiful over the British countryside with blue skies ahead

Leave manual data entry behind

Data Updater

A powerful, time saving tool that syncs your database with municiple data sources, saving you many hours of manual work.

Laptop showing the Vicinity scenario planner. It looks really impressive.
A photo of a city viewed from a drone

Plan your BIA with confidence

Scenario Planner

If you are developing a BIA, redrawing your boundaries or changing thresholds you will want to try out the Vicinity Scenario Planner. Save time waiting for local authorities and simply draw your boundary on a map to estimate your levy income.

Unrivalled support

We’re always here to help

Supporting your team, understanding your needs and evolving our offer as they change, is a core part of our solution.