Vicinity for Business Improvement Districts

Features for BIDs to save time, streamline processes and win support.

An image created to celebrate 20 years of BIDs
A laptop showing the Vicinity data updater in action
A beautiful over the British countryside with blue skies ahead

Leave manual data entry behind

Data Updater

A powerful, time saving tool that syncs your database with NNDR data, saving you many hours of manual work.

A tablet showing the Vicinity ballot forecast report
A typical British high street where the diners are enjoying their meals al fresco

Win support and secure your ballot

Ballot Tools

For BIDs and other ballot-based membership organisations, we created our Ballot Toolkit. Get ready for your ballot from day one with a database designed for the process. Identify important people and create a plan to engage them.

Collect voter information, connect it to members, and track their voting intentions. Use the Ballot Insights report to monitor progress and predict results.

Export your data in a format ready for the ballot (compatible with election management services). Track turnout and manage the process to a successful finish with the Ballot Progress report.

Laptop showing the Vicinity scenario planner. It looks really impressive.
A photo of a city viewed from a drone

Plan your BID area with confidence

Scenario Planner

If you are developing a BID, redrawing your boundaries or changing thresholds you will want to try out the Vicinity Scenario Planner. Save time waiting for local authorities and simply draw your boundary on a map to estimate your levy income.

A city by night glowing with all the light pollution

Self-billing levy collection

Improve your relationships with self-billing

Currently in pilot phase, follow us to keep up to date on this exciting new development. For BIDs looking to take control of their billing, improve their data quality and speed of collection.

Unrivalled support

We’re always here to help

Supporting your team, understanding your needs and evolving our offer as they change, is a core part of our solution.